Jewish and Muslim Peacemakers Visit to Edinburgh


Two Israeli peace activists, one a Jew, the other a Muslim, will visit Scotland in March as part of a tour of Europe focusing on a message of reconciliation through spirituality and non-violence.

Eliyahu McLean is a Jew of Scottish-American descent and Director of the Peacemaker Community in Israel. Ibrahim Abu El-Hawa is a devout Muslim and peace activist living on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

In the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., they have been active in organizing large interfaith gatherings, peace walks, and vigils throughout the Holy Land for the past five years. The fact is seldom reported in the Western press.

"The similarities between Jew and Muslim on a deeper spiritual level surpass the political differences they may have about claim to territory," McLean has said. "The problem is that Western and political negotiating techniques leave out the spiritual dimension."

This is their second tour of Europe and America in as many years. During their trip to the UK last year, they spoke to the House of Lords, met with the British Ambassador to Israel, and were interviewed by the BBC.

They will speak at The Friends Meeting House in Edinburgh on Thursday March 20, 2003, at 7 p.m. The visit is being sponsored by The Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities, EICWS, and The Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning, in conjunction with The Society of Friends.

Talk: by Eliyahu McLean and Ibrahim Abu El-Hawa.
Place: The Friends Meeting House in Edinburgh,
7 Victoria Terrace,
Edinburgh EH1 2JL,
(0131 225 4825).
Date/Time: Thursday 20 March 2003 at 7pm, doors open from 6.30pm.
Cost: admission free, donations welcome, on a first come, first served, basis.

Neill Walker,
The Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities, EICWS,
4 William Black Place,
South Queensferry,
Edinburgh, EH30 9PZ.
Scotland. UK.
Office: +44 (0)131 331 4469.
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Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz,
The Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning,
7 East Champanyie,
Edinburgh EH9 3EL,
Scotland, UK.
Home: +44 (0)131 466 1506.
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